
Challenge yourself and see how long you can keep a streak alive.

Download the App

Adopt Streaks

See a streak you want to start?
Hit the "Adopt" button to instantly add it to your streaks.

You can also view how many other people have adopted that streak.

Improve Together

Create or join a Group with your friends, family, or anyone you want to improve with and have your own space to post, connect, and celebrate!

Self Improvement Community

Connect with others who want to better their life! From posts to streaks you'll be sure to find something that will inspire you to keep your own streaks alive.

Unlimited Steaks

There is no limit for how many streaks you wish to keep alive.

Organize Streaks
in Folders

Create custom folders to organize your streaks.

Custom Reminders

Don't want to forget your streak? Set custom reminders for added help.

Content Library

Access to content for all things self-improvement.

Create Streaks

Who Do You Want
To Become?

Create daily, weekly, or monthly streaks that align with the person you want to be. What you choose to streak will ultimately determine who you end up becoming.

The Feed

Stay Accountable With MyStreaks

"Powerful, inspiring, and motivating!"

Studies have shown that those who share their improvement with others, are 5X more likely to keep their streak alive.

Post and scroll through other laughably simple streaks to get a glimpse at what others are doing to improve their lives.

Like, comment, and follow other people because the community is all about celebrating the successes of others!


Self Improvement
Content Library

New to Streaking? No problem! Access content that is exclusive to the Streaking App to help you grow.

Streaking Tips
Blogs & Podcasts
Streaker Features